Message to the Readers
Dear Reader:The Loyola Maritime Law Journal is pleased to announce that it has moved its publication schedule from Fall/Spring to Winter/Summer. This move was made to accommodate a push back of the school year in the academic calendar. Thank you for your understanding.
Please be on the lookout for Volume 15, Issue 1 in the coming weeks. The upcoming issue features student comments on critical topics such as the impact of dredging laws on coastal restoration, maritime aspects of the liquid natural gas industry, and Medicare set-asides in maritime personal injury and Jones Act claims. It will also feature three practitioner articles on topics relating to general average, vicarious liability, and the application of state law in a maritime case.
In the meantime, please visit our blog at the Loyola Current ( ) for updates and commentary on maritime law.
Sincerely,Editorial BoardLoyola Maritime Law Journal, Volume 15