Moratoria Claimants in BP Spill Judge Barbier Grants BP Motion to Dismiss

Moratoria Claimants in BP Spill 
Judge Barbier Grants BP Motion to Dismiss
By: Bryan O'Neill
On Thursday, March 10, 2016, Judge Barbier issued an order to dimiss the claims filed by moratoria claimants which had filed suit against BP for damages. In order to recover, "Plaintiffs must establish that their economic losses were “due to” the injury, destruction, or loss of property or natural resources that “result[ed] from” the discharge or threatened discharge of oil from the HORIZON/Macondo well (i.e., the “incident”)." Succintly stated, he held that they failed to prove the damages were due to the discharge or threatened discharge of oil from the Horizon Macondo well.
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