Coast Guard Adopts Increased Limits of Liability under OPA 90; Effective on December 21, 2015

Coast Guard Adopts Increased Limits of Liability under OPA 90

Effective on December 21, 2015

By: Max Schellenberg

The U.S. Coast Guard announced a final rule on Nov. 19, 2015 increasing the limits of liability for various vessels and facilities. (See: 80 FR 72342) The increased limits are effective on December 21, 2015.The proposed categories, present limits and new increased limits for each category is as follows:Category                                            Current Limit                                    Proposed Limit Single Hull Tank Vessels[1]                  Greater of                                            Greater ofgreater than 3000 G.T.[2]                       $3200 per G.T. or                               $3500 per G.T. or$23,496,000                                        $25,845,600 Tank vessels                                        Greater of                                            Greater ofgreater than 3000 G.T.            $2000 per G.T. or                               $2200 per G.T. orother than single hull                           $17,088,000                                        $18,796,800tank vessels Single Hull Tank vessels                     Greater of                                            Greater ofless than or equal to                             $3200 per G.T. or                               $3500 per G.T. or3000 G.T.                                            $6,408,000                                          $7,048,800 Tank Vessel less than                          Greater of                                            Greater ofor equal to 3000 G.T.                          $2000 per G.T. or                               $2200 per G.T. orother than single hull                           $4,272,00                                            $4,699,200 Any other vessel other than                 Greater of                                            Greater ofany listed in                             $1000 per G.T. or                               $1100 per G.T. or33 C.F.R. Sec. 138.230                       $854,000                                             $939,800including any edible oiltank vessel or oil spillresponse vessel Deepwater Ports[3]                                $373,800,000                                      $633,850,000subject to DPA[4]other than LOOP[5] LOOP                                                 $87,606,000                                        $96,366,600 Onshore facilities[6]                               $350,000,000                                      $633,850,000 [1] Effective Jan. 1, 2015 single hull vessels are prohibited from operating in U.S. waters[2] Gross Tonnage.[3] Including component pipelines[4] Deepwater Port Act, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 1501 et seq.[5] Louisiana Offshore Oil Port[6] Including but not limited to any motor vehicle, rolling stock or pipeline

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