BSEE Releases Report of Panel Investigation of Explosion at West Delta Block 105 Platform EBSEE Releases Report of Panel Investigation of Explosion at West Delta Block 105 Platform E

BSEE Releases Report of Panel Investigation of Explosion at  West Delta Block 105 Platform E

West Delta 105 Platform E was operated by Fieldwood Energy when on November 20, 2014 an explosion and fire occurred resulting in the death of Jerrel Hancock while contract personnel were cleaning equipment in the electrostatic heater treater. The five member panel report identified various failures which may have contributed to the accident and death. According to the announcement on the BSEE web site:

Based on the findings and recommendations of the panel, Director Salerno has directed BSEE staff to conduct an assessment of whether a site-specific Safety and Environmental Management System audit should be required when a safety management system gap may have contributed to an operational fatality. Director Salerno also directed several other assessments and the issuance of a safety bulletin (hyper link) to inform industry regarding the most significant findings of the Panel investigation and provide recommendations for preventing a similar incident.

A complete copy of the full report of the investigation team may be found at:

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