Amendment to Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act Proposed Legislation To Be Retroactive

The Small Passenger Vessel Liability Fairness Act was introduced on September 22, 2021 by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. Ca.) and Congressman Salud Carbajal (D. Ca.) to amend the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act. The intent of the legislation is to exempt small passenger vessels from claiming limitation of liability under the 1851 Act. It is to be retroactive to the date on which M/V CONCEPTION caught fire off the coast of California (September 2, 2019). The proposed legislation may be found following this link:

The Current Loyola Maritime Law Journal

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A Brief Look at the “Small Passenger Vessel Liability Fairness Act”


Court Takes Judicial Notice of Temperature and Heat Index in Survival/Wrongful Death Action of Seaman. Precludes Use of Coast Guard Report